
Artist Studio

Artist Studio


A 6 month simple membership for artists to create & collaborate.

Affordable rates & flexible memberships.  


Private studio equipped with easel seating

Sink space + Storage units 

Payment process - via our online system

Shared work table & lounge

A Turkpike/ArtCo landing page + Instagram via our EtobiCo instagram

WiFi, Washrooms, Coffee/Tea/Water 

Photo studio

Community manager check in daily to ensure the space is running smoothly 

COVID-19 protocols and management 


Event Rental

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Photo Station


ArtCo offers a shared photography space for artists to capture stunning photographs.

Whether you would like to capture your original artwork, market your brand or take a high quality portraits. ArtCo provides a solid backdrop, props & lighting to rent out at an affordable hourly rate. The photography station is a great resource for creative entrepreneurs to get a jump start to their business.

Available to rent hourly, daily, or monthly.


Barbers Chair

500$/ Month

ArtCo wants to break boundaries! The definition of ‘Art’ doesn’t just mean one thing. A canvas involves many different mediums and ArtCo celebrates the beauty in all art forms. Our Barbers chair memberships are available to professional hairstylists to rent at affordable rates. For further information, please contact our community manager.

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